Be Bold During Change

"Be strong and courageous, for you are the one who will lead these people to possess all the land I swore to their fathers to give them."
Joshua 1:6
Moses had been leading the people of Israel out of captivity and through the wilderness for forty years.  During all that time, the Lord provided food, water, protection, the Ten Commandments, and was always withe the Israelites.  God has provided guidance, leadership, miracles, and strength through His chosen leader Moses.  Moses was truly close to the Lord.  The previous chapter, from the scripture above, is the last chapter of Deuteronomy.  In those verses, the Lord shows Moses all of the promised land that He had promised the forefathers, Abraham, Issac, and Jacob.  I would think that Moses was expecting, or at least hoping, to make it into the promised land, and even more so, that the people of Israel would be expecting Moses to be the one who leads them there.  However, Moses' story ends there, the Lord shows him the promised land and then he dies.  The Spirit comes upon Joshua, the assistant to Moses, and he is now the chosen leader for the people of Israel.  The scripture above is the first of four times that Joshua is commanded to be "strong and courageous".  Often the number four throughout the Bible is used to represent wholeness, fullness, or completion; similar to the four points on a compass that represent the entirety of the globe.  As the new chosen leader, and perhaps abruptly chosen, I'm sure Joshua had some anxiety, fear, and perhaps a little stress with his new role.  We are also told at the end of Deuteronomy that Moses was healthy and still strong when he died (Deut. 34:7), so it could be that this thrust into leadership was a bit unexpected.  So here is Joshua now, a young chosen leader, to be the one to lead the people into the promised land.  Thrust into all of this abrupt and unexpected change.  Change that causes thoughts and worries of the unknown, apprehension about the future, doubts about his own qualifications and capabilities to lead, and fear about what will happen to himself and all of the people under his leadership.  The truth about change, is that it inevitable in all of lives.  Our circumstances are always changing, and oftentimes, that change comes abruptly and unexpectedly.  Then, we can easily be consumed with thoughts, feelings, and emotions of fear, worry, and anxiety.  But God, like he did with Joshua, has chosen YOU!  He has chosen you to be His representative in the ever changing circumstances you find yourself in.  He has chosen you to model His character when your family is going through a health crisis, financial devastation, or daunting relationship issues.  And just like Joshua, God is commanding you to be strong and courageous.  He tells Joshua four times, so that he knows to operate out of strength and courage ALWAYS, especially with all of the unexpected change on the horizon.  And God wants you to be strong and courageous in your ever changing circumstance you find yourself in today.  Today, know that the Lord is with you always, He never leaves you or forsakes you, and more importantly in this ever changing world, He NEVER changes.  "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever" (Heb 13:8).  Today be strong and courageous in all your do, knowing that God is with you always!  Love you all!  Praying for you and yours!  Have a blessed day, it's your choice!
                                                                         Be Strong and Courageous Sticker | Spoonful Apparel


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    1. Thank you Tony for those good words. In some way, we are all leaders within our sphere of influence. Come Holy Spirit to fill us with the strength and courage and love of Jesus as we encounter change. And may the light of our testimony point toward the One who was and is and is to come.


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