Prayer of the Faithful

"Teach me your way, Lord, that I may rely on your faithfulness; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name." - Psalm 86:11

As Paul was inspired to pen the fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5:22-23, the 7th fruit in the list of nine is "faithfulness." Our fruit, or the outward character and actions displayed by the internal work of God, works as our authentication that we are truly disciples of Jesus (John 13:34-35). The faithfulness we display lets the world know that God is working in us and we belong to Him. Faithfulness is a work of God. If we were to take inventory and ask ourselves if we are faithful, likely most Christians would exclaim a bold "yes!" Peter does the same! Just before Jesus is arrested, marred, beaten, and crucified He stands up and foretells the truth to His closest twelve that they will all go and abandon Him. Peter exclaims a fervent "Even if all fall away, I will not!" When Jesus gives him the reality check that he will disown the Savior three times that very night, Peter doubles down on his faithfulness, "Even if I have to die with you, I will never disown you!" (Mark 14:27-31). Even Peter, one of the twelve, and one of the three Apostles in Jesus's inner circle, fails in his faithfulness when relying on his own efforts.

In Psalm 86, David is pouring out to the Lord in prayer. Out of his self-recognition and awareness of his own shortcomings he cries out to God asking Him to: "hear me;" "answer me;" "save your servant;" "listen to my cry for mercy;" "turn to me;" and finally he asks the beautiful, humble, and self-emptying request of God to:

"teach me your way, Lord, that I may rely on your faithfulness; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name." (Ps 86:11). 

Teach me and give me an undivided heart. This is the soul request of a man who has been through hardship, victory, honor, and hurt. Throughout David's life he has been through the highest highs, and the deepest pits. And through it all he comes to realize that his faithfulness hinges solely on the only One who is Himself faithfulness. 

David humbly asks God to teach him His way, that he may rely on God's faithfulness. You and I, and David, all know how life tends to turn out when we rely on our own faithfulness, strength, and will-power. Really, when we operate in our own strength, it is just a matter of when we will come to the end of ourselves, not if. David knew this, and he wisely asks God to teach Him his ways and turn his heart to rely on Him, the Rock of his faithfulness. 

Then, he prays for God to give Him an undivided heart, so that he may fear His name. If we are honest, we can be such a divided people. Our faithfulness, loyalty, and devotion towards God and others often waivers. To our hardship and failure, usually the only faithfulness that stands consistent is our faithfulness to ourselves and our own desires. David recognizes that he can't change that about himself, that it takes God giving him a new heart, an undivided heart. 

Today, ask God to teach you His ways, relying on His faithfulness, not our own. For we are a weary, needy, and broken people. Set your soul's desire on an undivided heart of faithfulness towards God. Ask that He make His faithfulness shine in and through you, in a very unfaithful world. 

Love you all, praying for you and yours!  


                                                               The Miraculous Power of an Undivided Heart
