With you Always

"This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it.  For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.  Have I not commanded you?  Be strong and courageous.  Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you where you go."
Joshua 1:8-9

There are times in life when things can get really uncomfortable and scary.  Perhaps you are getting ready to make a move to another city or state, perhaps you are making a huge career shift, or even maybe you feel God calling you to make a large financial change.  Either way, life gets scary sometimes, and we have large shifts in our lives that we all go through.  For those of us in recovery it may seem early on, especially the first year or two, that we are constantly making big life decisions and changes.  This can cause a lot of stress, worry, and anxiety.  Joshua was next in line to lead the Israelites.  Moses had just died and now Joshua was charged by God to lead the people into the promise land.  But, the promise land was scary to them because of the people that inhabited the land.  They were much larger and seemed like an opponent they for sure couldn't take over.  But, God called Joshua to be a leader that was 'strong and courageous' regardless of the circumstance.  In fact the verse above is the third time in this short chapter that the Lord tells Joshua to be strong and courageous.  Alone, it is difficult to just be strong and courageous in the thick of difficult and scary changes in live, but God comforts Joshua in the latter part of this scripture.  He says, "the Lord your God is with you where you go."  What an amazing comfort!  This is what God said to Joshua in amiss the tall order he was about to take on.  Not only to be strong and courageous, Joshua, but be comforted knowing that I am with you no matter where you go!  Also, the Lord encourages Joshua that by meditating on his word, he will see success and prosperity.  Now the Hebrew word here to describe this doesn't refer to riches, but that Joshua will have wisdom and favor in his circumstances as he trusts the Lord and His word.  This goes for us as well.  We are all called to difficult situations in our lives and God wants us to stay in His word and trust Him, being comforted that He is with us always.  What are you going through right now?  What major life decision is keeping you up at night?  What difficult, perhaps seemingly, impossible task have you been given?  What is going on that is causing you so much worry and anxiety, that makes you feel like you will never be on the other side of it?  God would say to you, "be strong and courageous".  In fact He would repeat it to you several times like He did Joshua.  Say it out loud.  'I am strong and courageous and my God is with me always'!  Because He is!  No matter what large decision or circumstance is staring you down right now, be strong, be courageous, and be encouraged and comforted knowing that God has called you to trust Him in it, because He is always with you!  Love you all!  Praying for you and yours!  Have a blessed day, it's your choice!
                                                          Does God Want You to Spend Time With People Who Always Hurt You ...
