"Now there are also many other things that Jesus did. Were every one of them to be written, I suppose that the world itself could not contain the books that would be written."
John 21:25
Every single day I open up my daily planner and look at my agenda for the day. I spend time the night before and the morning of in some quiet time with the Lord to plan out my day. I meditate on what I believe God wants me to do for the day. I try to do my best to honor Him with all my actions for that day. Because of my calling, I end up having the opportunity to do a lot of good things with a lot of people. Each day I get the chance to work with men in recovery, the homeless population, and the families in my church that I serve. By the time I get to the end of the day of my agenda, rarely have I marked off each thing as completed that was planned for that particular day. Now, I generally end up having accomplished a good bit of work most days, but rarely do I accomplish everything on the agenda for any one particular day. So my point is this, I fill up my planner and it contains lots of things I end up completing, and some things that continue to get pushed to the next day or week, and even some things I may not end up doing at all. The reason I tell you this is because my planner, this one very small book, easily contains everything that I do on a daily basis and easily contains other things that I never even do, with room for other activities to be added. But here, in this portion of scripture, the disciple John offers us such a beautiful glimpse into the life of Jesus in this one verse. After writing 20 chapter worth of Jesus' life and ministry, in which, he tells us of miracles performed, healing to those in need, and multiple teachings of the Kingdom, John says that there is so much more to what Jesus accomplished here on this earth. In fact, the entire world wouldn't be able to contain the books that would be written if everything that Jesus ever did was written down. How's that for a busy life!? The reason I tell you this is to gain some perspective. As we read the gospels we begin to understand all the amazing aspects of Jesus' ministry on this planet. It is easy to revile in all the amazing wonders that we have gracefully been giving about Him in these books. But, what John offers us here, as well as the other three gospels, is but a slice of the amazing works of our Lord and Savior. This is so mind blowing to consider! It is easy to write a book about all the things I did. It would be one book long and have a lot of blank pages with for room for extras and commentary! But, to write down everything Jesus did for you and for me in His ministry would be to write so much that the world could not even contain the books! What an amazing picture of His life! It is easy to get so puffed up in the 'things' we are doing, especially if they are 'good' things we are doing for the Lord. Today, remember that there is but One true and fulfilling Doer of the word, and that is Jesus Christ. All the good we do in our lives could never compare to the Master! We are put here and chosen to do the good things we do for one purpose, and that is to glorify Him. But, we also receive the consolation gift of peace, joy, and an abundant life of service to Jesus. Pray and thank Jesus for all that He has done for you and for me, and be grateful that He continues to work in each moment for your and my good! Love you all! Praying for you and yours! Have a blessed day, it's your choice!
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