"So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them."
Genesis 1:27
"Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being."
Genesis 2:7
The scriptures above are two different accounts of the creation of man. You see it is very important that we know how we got started. We need to be reminded that we were created by God, for the sole purpose of worship. Everyone worships all day everyday. Even non-believers spend their days worshipping. The reason the world is in the state of despair, destruction, hate, sadness, and anger that it is in, is because as a whole we have worshipped the wrong things. We have a tendency to worship the creation rather than the Creator. Rather than praising and offering our worship to God, we praise money, relationships, sex, success, prestige, knowledge, careers, and everything else in between. Some where along the way we forgot that we were intended and created to worship the God who breathed life into us. When we live the way were were created and intended to live, life has so much more abundance of peace and joy. We often wonder why we feel anxious, worried, in despair, with a dread of disaster around the corner, and it is because we are worshipping and valuing the wrong things. We forget that we were created in the very image of God and that He breathed his own breath into us. He formed us and knit us together in our mother's womb (Psalm 139). Some days I tend to feel down on myself. It may be I'm just having a rough day, but in days like that it is important I remember the first verse above. The fact that I was created in the same image as the Almighty God, is enough of a reminder for me to get out of the dumps on those days. Then, there are other days, were I may be feeling a little "high and mighty" on myself. These are days were my pride is getting ahead of me, it's on those days, I need to be reminded the second account of creation. Those days, I need to consider that God literally formed me out of the dust of the ground. Literally, I am nothing but dust, without God breathing life into me. Other words, separated from God, I am no more that a pile of dust. Some days, I need to be picked up and encouraged knowing I bear the same image as my Maker, and others I need to be reminded I was formed from dust. Nonetheless, I was formed from a loving, caring God. Who so personally breathed life into me with His own breath. I am loved and so are you. The world needs to be reminded now more than ever that we ALL bare the image of God. Even those that persecute us are made in the image of God. Today, reflect and consider that you are made in God's image. Perhaps, you may need to be reminded that He formed you out of dust. Either way God, Himself, created you and created me, and those around us. WE ALL BARE HIS IMAGE. Therefore, pray today thanking God for the his breath of life, and consider the fact that we all have the
image of our Maker! Love you all! Praying for you and yours! Have a blessed day, it's your choice!
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