It's Not About You!

"Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.  Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of other."
Philippians 2: 3-4

Pride is at the root of all the sin in our lives.  We were created to worship.  All of creation worships, and so do all humans.  Even non believers spend their lives worshiping always.  The heart of this is simply that this is how God created us.  Our original design was to specifically worship Him, but in the fall we began to worship self.  Our culture does everything for self and from pride, and this portion of scripture tells us to doing NOTHING from selfish ambition, yet your world does the opposite.  If we are not doing God's will, then we our doing our will.  And when we take the wheel in driving our lives, we realize, we cannot save ourselves from the sin in our lives.  This is why God sent His only Son, Jesus, to save us from our sinful, prideful, self-absorbed lives.  We continue to repeat the same sin over and over again, until, we finally reach despair and realize we need saving.  Jesus Christ came with one ambition, with one goal in mind.  The goal was not to serve Himself, His own needs, or His own desire.  Jesus gave for us the perfect example of "counting others more significant than yourself."  He did this by giving His own life for us, and not only that, but in the worst, most torturous kind of way.  It is easy to pass over Jesus giving His life for us, because as Christians, we hear this so often.  But, think of it in the way this verse portrays.  Jesus counted us more significant than Himself, He cared and looked out for our interests over His own.  This is a wild concept to consider, that God Himself in Jesus, counted me and you as more significant than Himself... God!  That is just a thought I am incapable of fully grasping.  The other part of this, is that God calls us to look out for others first in our lives because He knows this is the true way to obtain peace in our lives.  When we serve others, with the self-sacrificing example Jesus set before us, we get the consolation of joy, peace, and grace in our own lives.  Not only that but we are called to count others higher than ourselves with humility.  It sounds like enough to just say count others more significant than ourselves, but God added to do that using humility because He already knew we would just make it a to-do check list without putting our actual heart into it.  Don't just count others' interests and serve them before yourself just to check a box, but do this with humility, do it with thankfulness and gratitude because of what our Lord and Savior did for YOU!  This is true Kingdom living!  Today, pray and ask God to change your heart.  Ask the Lord to help you to count others as more significant than yourself.  By doing this you are sure to please the Lord with humility and service, that He calls us all to do!  Love you all!  Praying for you and yours!  Have a blessed day, it's your choice!
                                                   Steve Teter | Living Faith Church
