Lean into Him

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding."
Proverbs 3:5
Imagine with me for a moment, two different trees.  One of the trees is a sapling, so it is very small.  This sapling stands maybe five feet tall or so, is very small around the trunk, and is just beginning to bud a few leaves on very few small branches.  Now imagine a large redwood tree.  These are some of the largest trees in the world.  You can't even begin to wrap your arms around this one, because the base of the tree trunk is so wide in diameter.  It is so tall you can't nearly see all of it, and the roots are so deep, it would be difficult to imagine how far and wide they extend.  Now imagine you are in a forest with both of these trees and you lean, with your full weight, on the sapling.  What would happen to you?  Surely you would fall quickly to the ground, you may even get hurt.  If there are people around, did they catch you?  Or did they simply just laugh at you as you fell to the ground?  Now imagine  you put your full weight into the redwood and lean into it.  Consider the same circumstances, who is around you?  Are they encouraging?  Did you fall when you leaned into the redwood?  When we lean into something or on something,we are trusting that it will hold all of our weight.  There is something very submissive about leaning.  We lean on something in order to support our weight, or perhaps to help us carry the burden of our weight.  This might also supply us with some rest and relief.  However, if you lean into the sapling, what happens?  You are going to fall.  It is important what we are leaning on or into.  God tells us to lean not on our own understanding.  This is certainly like the sapling scenario.  When we lean on our own understanding we are certain to fall.  And not only that, if we have the wrong people around us, not only will they not catch us, but they will likely laugh at our shortcoming.  However, leaning on the redwood is like leaning on God.  When we lean into God, we trust Him with all our heart, not just part of it.  We can safely lean into Him rather than ourselves because we know that He can support ALL of our weight.  It it also important to have good people in our lives that encourage us to lean into God rather than our own understanding or worldly thinking.  The people we surround ourselves with need to support on another to lean into God, and be there for us when we slip or fall.  Today, take a moment to evaluate what you are leaning into today.  Is it your own strength, control, or will?  Are you leaning into worldly wisdom, trusting only how the world tells you to live?  Know that leaning into these other things is sure to make you fall.  Pray that God surrounds you with people that will encourage you to lean into Him, trusting Him with all of our heart because He loves us and wants good for our lives.  Love you all!  Praying for you and yours!  Have a blessed day, it's your choice! 
                                                        The Best Uncrowded Bay Area Redwood Groves | Via
