Grace through Suffering

"And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you."
1 Peter 5:10
When I go through different seasons of suffering and trials in my life I can feel completely alone.  I often feel like I am the only one going through things, and if I'm not careful, I can become consumed with my circumstances.  I begin to make everything about me, and why I have to go through this, and where is God in all of this.  It is easy for us all to view suffering this way, as though it has no purpose, except to harm me and those closest to me.  I remember when my wife and I separated, due to my active addiction.  The next year after that I would go through some of the worst suffering and trials I have ever faced in my life.  The bad decisions that I continued to make, led to more suffering.  I was in a cycle of despair that I could not get out of myself.  It is easy to blame everyone and everything else when we face difficulties in our lives.  This is certainly what I did.  This is natural, and second nature to us because we are born with a sin nature.  After continuing in the suffering for 327 days my wife felt God calling her to reach out to me, what would happen next is nothing short of a string of miracles orchestrated by God.  I shortly thereafter would seek the help that I desperately needed, and the next two years lead me up to this point in my life.  Today, we have a strong marriage, with Jesus at the front and center foundation.  We have a beautiful 9 month old baby and a path to continue to walk in faith in this new life.  All of this is so amazing and beautiful, but what is important to remember is that this all started with suffering.  In the Bible, suffering is a means to grace.  Yes that is correct.  What this means is that God uses suffering to give way to His grace in our lives.  Another way to put this is that the grace, or unmerited favor from God, that we so graciously have in our lives, primarily comes through suffering.  This is foundational to the Christian walk!  There is no doubt that we face all sorts of situations and circumstances that we would consider suffering.  Whether this be spousal issues, children problems, relationship at work issues, financial troubles, quarantine difficulties, health concerns, and so many others.  It is imperative to our Christian walk, to understand that in this world, and even more so as we follow Jesus, we will face suffering of many variations.  But, the beautiful truth about our suffering as follower of Christ, is that He uses the suffering to give us His grace.  When we consider suffering as a means of grace, "looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God" (Heb 12:2).  This is the ultimate example of the grace that is offered to us by Jesus.  This only comes through the suffering that He had to face to for our sake.  As you consider the suffering that you may be going through today, remember that Jesus is using this as a means of grace in your life.  He is using this, ultimately, with the purpose of making way for the favor He is to give you.  The suffering is what is used to shape us, mold us, and make us more in the likeness of our Savior.  Today, pray and ask the Lord to help you see your current suffering as a means of grace.  Ask the Lord to give you eyes that can see the favor that He is making way for through the suffering and trials.  Understand that without suffering, there is no grace!  God has a purpose and plan to use it for good in your life and in my life!  Love you all!  Praying for you and yours!  Have a blessed day, it's your choice! 
                                                      Grant us grace to sing a new song for your wonders O God - UCA NEWS
