Forgiveness is the Path to Freedom

 "Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you."
Ephesians 4:32

Forgiveness is the fundamental key to our Christian walk.  This is what separates following Jesus, than most any other religion.  We please God by accepting his Son Jesus, and the forgiveness for our sins He offers to us by His sacrifice on the cross.  Our entire Christian walk is based on the belief that we have accepted the forgiveness of our sins and now can walk in the newness of life that Christ calls us to.  Without believing Jesus died for us on the cross and was raised three days later in order that you and I may have a new life following Him, there is no Christian walk.  This is completely fundamental, and a building block to what we believe.  The scripture above challenges us to walk this out with others in our lives.  We are to "forgive one another, as God in Christ forgave you".  It can be so difficult to forgive those in our lives and our past who have hurt us.  This could be a friend that wronged you, a coworker, a sibling, your parent, or your spouse or child that just keeps hurting you time and time again.  It is very unnatural for us to continue to get up and say 'I forgive you', again and again.  This can leave us exhausted, discouraged, and depressed feeling like the person that hurt us doesn't care, or will never get it right.  But let's consider Jesus, He was beaten, beard ripped out, slashed, skin torn, crown of thorns crushed into His skull, body broken, blood poured, and when the Roman soldiers mocked Him, He says, "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do" (Luke 23:34).  Forgiving those that have hurt us and done us harm is extremely difficult.  But, we need to view forgiveness as a way to freedom.  Really, forgiveness is the only way to freedom.  Consider this, who have you not forgiven in your past?  How is this person still affecting you today?  They may not even be in your life anymore, they may not have even been in your life for several years, but when we refuse to offer forgiveness, we are giving way to big stronghold of fear, anxiety, stress, despair, and depression in our lives.  We can never move forward to the fullness of life God wants for you and for me, if we do not forgive those that have hurt us.  This will NEVER happen the way you truly want if you do not forgive.  Forgiveness is for you, not for the other person.  Perhaps even more importantly, forgiveness is a posture of the heart, and doesn't have to be physically said to the person.  When we can forgive someone in our hearts, we become free from the ties of the hurt from that person.  We are experiencing the grace, peace, and joy walking in the  freedom of forgiveness.  And this is the same freedom that Jesus offers us, that have sinned so much against our God, yet we can experience freedom through Him who forgave us.  And we are charged to forgive others in the same way Jesus forgives us.  Today, pray and ask the Holy Spirit to guide you in the way of forgiveness, and to bring to heart and mind those that you need to forgive.  Challenge yourself to pray and forgive these people in your heart, and to forgive yourself for things you have done.  Remember that forgiveness is the only way to freedom, and thank Jesus for the ultimate path to forgiveness and freedom on the cross.  Love you all!  Praying for you and yours!  Have a blessed day, it's your choice!
                                                   Forgiveness is Freedom ⋆ The Wellness Universe Blog
