"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding."
Proverbs 3:5
The second step in the 12 steps of substance abuse recovery is that we came to believe in a power greater than ourselves, that could restore us to sanity. Once we have admitted and confessed that we have problem that we need help dealing with, it is then we come to believe that we must believe in a power greater than ourselves to help bring us back from the insanity of our lives. Christians in recovery, as well as others, can often get hung up on the phrasing of "a power greater than ourselves". As a Christian in recovery I have come to realize that recovery comes in many different forms and fashions. Many people come to Christ as a result of secular recovery, and many others are in Christian based programs from the beginning. Regardless, substance abuse disorder surfaces as a symptom of not dealing with the sin and trauma in our lives, that causes tremendous physical, emotional, mental, psychological, and relational depravities, as well as many other negative consequences. But God, provides a way out. For many people a power greater for themselves, when first starting out in the recovery process, could be the larger group as a whole. Certainly for a follower of Jesus such as myself, I know the biblical teaching that the power of the community can be for your spirituality and Christian walk as a whole. For me, and for many others, their 'higher power' is Jesus Christ. Paul tells us in Romans, "but yet while we were still sinners, Christ died for us" (Rom 5:8). This powerful action of unconditional love, is what caused the transformation in my heart that has lead to continued success in my personal recovery. When considering the truth that Jesus died for me, not once I got my act together, but while I was still in my mess, my heart began to change. It is important in recovery once we admit to our problem, call it what it is, and make a conscious decision to start the process, that we believe in God, who is certainly greater than us. The verse above provides all the understanding I need for recovery, which is this: I don't have any understanding. What is required of me during the second step of recovery is that I believe Jesus Christ died for me, and that He has the power to restore me. The scripture above provides the truth to me that I don't need to know how it works, if I could understand it and do it on my own, then I would have a long time ago. This second step of recovery is for any sin, not just substance abuse. If you feel the Holy Spirit convicting you of sin your life, the same process is offered to you. Admit the sin and confess, and secondly believe that Jesus saves, wants to heal you, and give you the abundant life following Him promises. Today, believe that whatever it is you are going through, Jesus Christ came 2000 years ago, so that you can be saved and healed from the grip of sin. He did so while you were still in it, and that counts for what you are going through right now! Pray and ask the Lord to guide you trust in Him, that He will restore your heart and your spirit if you simply believe in Him. Love you all! Praying for you and yours! Have a blessed day, it's your choice!
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