Step 1

 "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
1John 1:9

Given that September is the official start of National Recovery Month, and because I am a person in recovery, today's message, and perhaps a few more this month,  will be tailored to the recovery process.  Many people use the Biblically based 12 steps to get clean and sober from their substance abuse disorder.  The very first of those 12 steps is to admit that you have a problem.  Admitting to sin in our lives takes humility and honesty.  We must become willing to make that decision, not just in our minds, but in our hearts to fully envelop the recovery process and to make the desired change we want.  Because of the nature of the sin of addiction, oftentimes circumstances and relationships in our lives become completely desolate and destroyed before we can fully and honestly complete this first step.  But God, in his holiness, mercy, grace, and love, often meets us when we are at our lowest, and transforms us and uses those weakness for his glory, praise, and honor.  The scripture above always details the process of step one in recovery for me.  John is telling us a very practical way to begin to receive healing that will last, and this scripture is true for all of us today, whether we are in recovery, or we have other sins and burdens that weigh us down.  John begins by telling us, "if we confess", I love that the word "if" is used.  So often, and sadly enough, a lot of people will never confess, and rather than receiving the mercy and grace that is offered in the second part of this verse, they remain proud in their sin, they never humble themselves to the point of admitting or confessing the wrong in their lives, and therefore, stay sick, anxious, depressed, and in despair, and it is sad.  But the Holy Spirit, through John, tells us that when we get to a place that we choose to confess our sins, then God promises to work in our lives!  He promises to first of all forgive us.  This is the basis of the entire Gospel!  Jesus went to the cross, while we were still sinners, while we were still in our messed up lives and situations, to forgive us, in order to show His unconditional, transformative love for us!  This is the power of the Gospel, and all He asks, is that we tell Him where we are falling short, and by the way, He already knows anyway, us confessing is for us, so that we can get the forgiveness. But not only that, He promises to cleanse us from all unrighteousness!  Consider fully what God is saying to you right now!  Not only do you get forgiveness, but He will cleanse you from all unrighteousness, and not just what you did last year, or last month, He said ALL unrighteousness.  This is the power of recovery and the power of the Gospel.  And all that is asked of us is to get the ball rolling, is simply humble ourselves and just confess to God where we are falling short.  Whether in recovery or not, today, pray and ask God to search your heart and reveal where you are falling short.  Ask for the humility and willingness to confess these areas of your life to God and pray about them, this is what starts the healing process.  Pray and ask with a hopeful expectation that God always keeps His end of the deal, to forgive your sins and cleanse ALL your unrighteousness!  Love you all!  Praying for you and yours!  Have a blessed day, it's your choice! 
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