"Know well the conditions of your flocks, and give attention to your herds, for riches do not last forever; and does a crown endure to all generations?"
Proverbs 27:23-24
One of the most important things we can be as followers of Christ, is good stewards with those things He has placed into our lives. A biblical steward is one who utilizes and manages ALL resources that God provides for the glory of God, and the betterment of His creation. This is a difficult thing for us in today's culture because we are so individualistic and driven by mostly selfish desires. We are taught in our schools, the media, and by others to get all that we can get for ourselves so that we are satisfied with the things in our lives. The more you have the better you are; this is the worldly view of being a good steward, and it is focused on the material things. Now certainly, it is important to be a good manager of the things and the money you have been blessed with. We are to be wise in how we spend our money and with the material things we are buying and acquiring. But, this scripture above is telling us to be mindful of the condition of our flocks. Now the flocks in those times were the livelihood of those in charge of them, it is how they made their income, but I believe we are to be more practical of this scripture for us today. Being a good biblical steward is more than just managing your money and assets, it is knowing the condition of your flocks. Are you a husband? Know the condition of your wife. Are you a father? Know the condition of your children? Are you a son or daughter? Know the condition of your parents. And so on. We are to know the condition of not only our money, to use it for the glory of God, but we are honoring our Lord in good stewardship, when we know the condition of those He has put closest to us in our daily walk. Know the condition of your flock today. Especially the men reading this, we are held with a bit more of the responsibility to know the condition of those in our lives. Take this to heart today, and know the condition of those around you. Minister to them, be there for them, listen to them, walk with them, spend time with them, honor them with your words. This is how we are good stewards of not only the things in our lives, but more importantly, the people in our lives. When we know the conditions of the people in our lives, and we choose to serve them, then we are truly stewarding what God gave us. Then, we are truly bringing glory to God and honoring Him with how we are living our lives. Pray and ask the Lord to guide your heart and your mind to know the condition of those He put in your stewardship. Serve these people with a heart and motivation of love, so that it honor and glorifies God, and brings both you and them, peace, love, and joy. Love you all! Praying for you and yours! Have a blessed day, it's your choice!
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