"Therefore, preparing your minds for action, and being sober-minded, set your hope fully on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ. As obedient children, do not be conformed to the passions of your former ignorance, but as he who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct."
1 Peter 1:13-15
There is literally no telling what a day may bring. We all know this to be true now so much more than ever! One day back in March we were all going about our normal busyness of life, and it seems like the next day the whole world was shut down! I believe God is trying to get our attention, by slowing down life and kind of hitting the reset button. As we have spent this time in quarantine, we have really had a chance to see where we are in life. We have dealt with our emotions, feelings, past, and thoughts more so during this time than perhaps ever in our lives. Now as life is starting to get back to "normal", we need marching orders to get through our days and keep our hearts and minds focused on Jesus and doing the will of the Father in our lives. Peter gives us very direct orders here on how to live a life worthy of our calling. I love when scripture starts with "therefore", because we know what was just told was the reason for the instructions we are about to receive. Peter tells us "therefore", because of the grace and mercy filled salvation we have received from Jesus, we must prepare our minds for action. It is interesting that we are to prepare our minds. This means we are to give thought to what our day is to look like following Christ. When we prepare our minds, we are spending quiet time with the Lord, and considering all the good He has done for us. We consider all the mercy and grace we have in our lives that we certainly don't deserve, and didn't merit for ourselves. And because of all this we prepare our minds at the beginning of each day to do His will. While being sober-minded, or focused, we are to have a conduct worthy of our calling to salvation. We are not to conform back to our old conduct, how we lived before Jesus saved us. And this is why it is vital we prepare our minds. Our thoughts come first and then action. Therefore, to have a conduct that is holy, and not going backwards to former passions, we are called to prepare our minds for action each day. Are you spending time preparing your mind for the day? Are you spending quiet time with the Lord, and reflecting on His goodness, grace, and mercy in your life? Today, I challenge you to prepare your mind, by spending time with God. Just you and Him, considering, reflecting, and preparing for each day, and what it is He has in store for you. Pray and thank God for His love in your life, ask Him for the strength to be prepared to patiently endure each day for His glory. This will surely lead to joy, peace, and purpose in your life! Love you all! Praying for you and yours! Have a blessed day, it's your choice!

1 Peter 1:13-15
There is literally no telling what a day may bring. We all know this to be true now so much more than ever! One day back in March we were all going about our normal busyness of life, and it seems like the next day the whole world was shut down! I believe God is trying to get our attention, by slowing down life and kind of hitting the reset button. As we have spent this time in quarantine, we have really had a chance to see where we are in life. We have dealt with our emotions, feelings, past, and thoughts more so during this time than perhaps ever in our lives. Now as life is starting to get back to "normal", we need marching orders to get through our days and keep our hearts and minds focused on Jesus and doing the will of the Father in our lives. Peter gives us very direct orders here on how to live a life worthy of our calling. I love when scripture starts with "therefore", because we know what was just told was the reason for the instructions we are about to receive. Peter tells us "therefore", because of the grace and mercy filled salvation we have received from Jesus, we must prepare our minds for action. It is interesting that we are to prepare our minds. This means we are to give thought to what our day is to look like following Christ. When we prepare our minds, we are spending quiet time with the Lord, and considering all the good He has done for us. We consider all the mercy and grace we have in our lives that we certainly don't deserve, and didn't merit for ourselves. And because of all this we prepare our minds at the beginning of each day to do His will. While being sober-minded, or focused, we are to have a conduct worthy of our calling to salvation. We are not to conform back to our old conduct, how we lived before Jesus saved us. And this is why it is vital we prepare our minds. Our thoughts come first and then action. Therefore, to have a conduct that is holy, and not going backwards to former passions, we are called to prepare our minds for action each day. Are you spending time preparing your mind for the day? Are you spending quiet time with the Lord, and reflecting on His goodness, grace, and mercy in your life? Today, I challenge you to prepare your mind, by spending time with God. Just you and Him, considering, reflecting, and preparing for each day, and what it is He has in store for you. Pray and thank God for His love in your life, ask Him for the strength to be prepared to patiently endure each day for His glory. This will surely lead to joy, peace, and purpose in your life! Love you all! Praying for you and yours! Have a blessed day, it's your choice!
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