Too Many to Count

"How precious to me are your thoughts, O God!  How vast is the sum of them!  If I would count them, they are more than the sand.  I awake, and I am still with you."
Psalm 139: 17-18

I have a wife, two older sisters, and predominately grew up with in a household raised by just my mother.  I tell you all this because I have feel like I have first hand expert knowledge on women.  No, we all know that is not true!  But, I do have insight on gifts.  You see I have been on the receiving and giving end of gifts, especially with women in my life.  And you know what the number one gift always is??  The best gifts are always those that have thought behind them.  As I was reading this portion of scripture today, I was reminded of how numerous God's thoughts are for me and for you.  Its is so easy in our culture today to get caught up thinking people don't care about you.  And you know what?  This may be true for the most part.  We live in such a 'me first', selfish society.  But, the good news is that the Lord, has so many thoughts of you that if we lined them up, we could never count them!  When I first got into recovery not only did I not think too much of myself, but I didn't think people thought of me much.  Since being in recovery, I can see the work of God's love in people's hearts.  There are more people that think of me, and my well being, than I've ever had, and that is because they have the love of God in their hearts.  Today, know that there are people that think of you and care for you.  And be comforted today, knowing that God Himself has many thoughts of you.  So much so that we could never count them!  Pray and thank God for his loving, and caring thoughts towards you!  Love you all!  Praying for you and yours!  Have a blessed day, it's your choice! 

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