"Here is a call for the endurance of the saints, those who keep the commandments of God and their faith in Jesus."
Revelation 14:12
John's dream in revelation is about the end times. When the earth will die and Jesus will return and all mankind will be judged, and then there we be a new Heaven and new Earth. At that time God's people will live with him forever and God will be in their presence. This is the wonderful hope of all Christians, but the end times in John's dream contains a lot of pain and hurt during the tribulation period. Satan will have deceived most of the world and there will be a lot of pain and sorrow in these times. God's people that are left during this period are charged here in this portion of scripture to endure, keep God's commandments, and hold to their faith in Jesus. These three things are exactly what the Lord is calling us to do right here, right now. This verse is the second of seven benedictions, or blessings in revelation. I found that to be particularly loving, that our God will call on us with blessings a perfect seven times, even amiss the end times of judgement. This just goes to show how loving and caring our Father is for us! But, we are called to do these three things. Endurance is key to the Christian walk. In order to have peace in our lives we need to patiently endure the trials that happen in them. If we can't endure we will never have peace because we will always give up and be frustrated when tough circumstances happen in our lives. God also calls us to keep His commandments and our faith in Jesus Christ. This book is about the end times, and God says no one will know when Jesus will return, but there is certainly a push in our world now to not keep God's commandments and our culture is taking God out of everything. We are called to do these things and keep our faith in Jesus because the world is not. We are taught to have faith in ourselves and to do what we think is right, and living with this world view is why our world today is in such disarray. Today keep the faith! Keep God's commandments and do what is right in the sight of the Lord. The key to all of this is to keep pushing with all endurance! Keep pushing brothers and sisters! Whatever you are going through, wherever you are in your walk, God wants you to know He loves you and wants you to endure! Jesus promises to return, and when He does, we want to be on the right side to dwell with Him forever! Love you all! Praying for you and yours! Have a blessed day, it's your choice!
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